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A closing conference of the project implemented within
Eastern Partnership programme took place

On 15 March 2019, a closing conference of the project “Strengthening the cross-border partnership in provision of new social services for children with disabilities in Ganja-Qazakh region of Azerbaijan and Kvemo-Kartli region of Georgia” funded by EU and managed by German Society for International Cooperation and implemented by Ganja Euro-Atlantic Information Center in partnership with “Center for Persons with Disabilities” (Georgia) and the United Aid for Azerbaijan (UAFA) within the framework of the Eastern Partnership Territorial Cooperation Programmes took place in Ganja city.
Delivering an opening remark, Mehman Khalilov, a project manager and a chairperson of the Board of Ganja Euro-Atlantic Information Center gave information about the goal and agenda of the event to the participants. Afterward, he noted that people with disabilities, children with disabilities, in particular, comprise the most vulnerable groups in our country, namely, for this matter, their social protection, medical-social rehabilitation and integration into the society are one of the utmost priority spheres of the government’s social policy. Following that, the chairperson stressed that the activities carried out within the project framework granted additional value in broader integration of the children with disabilities into the society and enhancement of their social inclusion.
Then Fariz Garayev, a coordinator on Ganja-Gazakh region of German Society for International Cooperation talked about successful outcomes of the project carried out within Eastern Partnership programme and sharing his impressions on the course of the conference he extended his wishes to participants.
Delivering her speech, Gulnar Fazilgizi, an employee of Ganja city Executive Authority underlined social importance of the project and talking about organizational support which is found to be vital for project implementation, she extended her wishes to project staff and conference participants.
In his talk, Mehman Khalilov noted that, 60 children enhanced their knowledge and capacities in computer field, 25 teenagers and the youth raised the awareness on career, 62 children benefited from rehabilitation services organized within project framework, 40 children and youth and 60 parents benefited from psychological counseling, 61 children benefited from trainings on music, art and hand crafts, 50 children benefited from the services of sports and physical therapy, in all, the participants of the conference were informed that 213 children with special needs were direct beneficiaries of the project.
Nana Zerekdize, a director of Center for Persons with Disabilities (Georgia) and Sevinj Rzayeva, a project coordinator of UAFA imparted broad information to the participants about positive outcomes of the activities carried out within project implementation.
Then Razala Abbasova, a coordinator of UAFA’s Ganja CBRC delivered a speech about the importance of the support provided by government agencies and private entities to organization of the events held with the participation of children with disabilities, Ilham Mammadov, a psychologist of Ganja State University talked about positive outcomes of social services provided to children with disabilities and their parents through psychological counselling and Asgar Mammadov and Sahiba Eminova, parents of the beneficiaries made their speech about positive impact of the project on children and youth with disabilities in building of self-confidence, social inclusion and overall development and importance of sustainability of the likewise projects.
Wider public were informed about the successful outcomes obtained as a result of project implementation in the conference which took place with the participation of 50 persons, including representatives of respective local government agencies, business entities, civil society organizations, media and managing authority (GIZ) of the project, as well as, partner organizations – Center for Persons with Disabilities (Georgia) and UAFA (Azerbaijan), parents of children and the youth with disabilities.





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Mehman Khalilov,
Chairman of the Management board of
Ganja Euro-Atlantic Information Center
The calendar
February 2025
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