Azərbaycanca | English

GEAIC’s more active, intensive and larger-scale activity period mostly covers the period of implementation of projects. During project period public awareness activities are carried out by our organization not only in Ganja city, but also in Samukh, Shamkir and Goygol regions. Moreover, round-tables, seminars and other events held by the organization within project period are welcomed by the public with great interest and new opportunities are created for direct awareness.

The following successful and socially significant projects have been implemented by Ganja Euro-Atlantic Information Center since it started its activities:

1. “Integration of Azerbaijan into World Union – Successes and Perspectives”,
Implementation period: 01 May-30 December, 2008

2. “Integration of Azerbaijan into Euro-Atlantic Space – a Way to Development”
Implementation period: 01 April-30 November, 2009

3. “Increasing the Role of  Informative Technologies in Integration of Azerbaijan into Europe”
Implementation period: 01 April-30 September, 2010

4. “Enhancement of public support to Azerbaijan’s Euro-Atlantic integration processes”

Implementation period: 01 May-30 August, 2013

5. “Raising public awareness about euro-atlantic integration processes of Azerbaijan and its partnershhip with NATO” project
Sponsor: NATO Public Diplomacy Division
Implementation period: 01 July-30 November, 2014


6. “The establishment of a set of social services with regard to the integration of Ganja’s physically disabled children into society” project
Benefactor: The Council of State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Implementation period: 01 May-31 August, 2015

7. A project on “Strengthening public support to the reforms carried out with reference to cybersecurity issues during the period of development of information society in Azerbaijan”
Sponsor: the Council of State Support to NGOs under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Implementation period: 04 May, 2016 – 04 September, 2016


With the purpose of making wide public aware of the avtivities done and successful results attained within the framework of the project, press releases, reportings and other materials are placed in the Internet and Mass Media.

Dear friends, I welcome all the visitors in the Website of Ganja Euro-Atlantic Information Center. I am convinced that all the information included in our Website will give you opportunities to get closely acquainted with the activities of Ganja Euro-Atlantic Information Center. I hope being acquainted with our Website will form a ground for joint cooperation serving common development.
Mehman Khalilov,
Chairman of the Management board of
Ganja Euro-Atlantic Information Center
The calendar
February 2025
This Website was designed with the financial support of the Council of State Support to
Non-Governmental Organizations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
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Design by Farhad Huseynov